
I started my share trading with Telstra (TLS)- a telco company, ERG Group (ERG) - computer hardware, and Deep Yellow Limited (DYL)- a uranium miner. I chose TLS because I thought it's cheap, and of course as an australian, I know the name really well. I really had no idea of trends or values, let alone the term of fundamentals or technical values. I bailed out Telstra quick enough for a break even (it went down) and also sold ERG and DYL when I thought it was a good price. It turned out that their price kept going up and I missed the ride. (I bought in DYL again, but this time is three times of my initial purchased price) Oh Well!

This is my current holdings: IBA, DYL, and IDL

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love DYL heavy volume and a cool sounding name. Check out USA - another uranium play. Holders in USA will be given prefrence in a new float. A lot of recent uranium floats are ramping up more than 100% on the listing. That is why it is up more than 20% today. I still think fair value at .40c
Nice Work on the ERG sale. I hear they are about to go to the market to raise more money because they cannot pay their bills. looking for a break down below .12c ...