Hang in There!

Recession has arrived or will very shortly, said a senior US economist at Goldman Sachs in New York.
Well, that's a bit of a news! Because somehow, I am saying the same thing, and I am not even a junior Aussie economist, with a fat paycheck from Goldman Sachs.

ASX was down today, dragged by the miners and banks. I do not own any bank's stock (No, I don't like to deal or work with the banks, full stop) but I do have few miners, so today is not going to be my best day.

Back to the US recession, wonder how it's going to affect Australia and the rest of the world.

Australian Stock Exchange has been in a losing streak for few days, but not the Asian. KLSE (Malaysia) has been gaining and reached a new high just yesterday, and Jakarta, Shanghai wasn't too bad either. Is this just to say that the Aussie are just too nervous about what happening in the US, and it's just a very good time to buy bargain shares?

Note: I transfered some more money on my trading account this morning. I am down again, now about 8% of my initial investment.

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