First Lesson in Investment (and the hardest one for me to practice..)

PATIENCE..!! Provided you picked the right stock, Good things DO come to those who wait.


Gregory said...

Thanks for an interesting and honest blog! Was just wondering if you were still using the JBWere 'Conviction List' and how that was working out for you? Was thinking of using it myself. Best Regards Greg (&Shireen) Seymour (Retail Investors, Australia/Japan)

Share said...

Hi Greg, Thank you for your kind comment. No, I am sorry I am not using JB Were conviction list anymore. In fact, I am not reading too much into any brokers recommendation these days. I had a bad run with them during the GFC, and decided to do my own little research. I do read and look at them every now and then, but they serve more as additional informations, and do not weigh too much on my decisions. It's sort of working out better for me, but again, most investors are making money (recently) as the market rebounds from the March low :)
Best Regards, Nanine

Gregory said...

Thanks for helpful reply! Greg

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