Start the New Year with a New Hope

Farewell 2009!
I have to say I had a good time with my investment in 2009. I bought a reasonable amount of shares in between December 2008- April 2009, and they are doing really well. I managed to cover my loss in 2007/8 Global Financial Crisis, and actually start to make profit again, which is a good thing.

2010, first five days was good!
Commodities and oil prices are recovering well, and for me (who invested mostly in mining and energy company) these are translated as good gains. I am sitting on a nice profit for BPT.AX; AWE; IDL; AIO; AWC; MGX, PNA, MOL, and even REX (which is an airline co)

From my current holding, it's only ISF.AX and ROC.AX who haven't perform well.

If I to learn something from the past GFC, is that I have to set aside emotion in investing. Yes, I know the rule, and it seems easy to follow. BUT in reality, it is NOT!!   It need a strict self disciplines and control, and it certainly need a lot of practice!

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