Just Few Things to Consider

I have these things in my mind for the past few days:
  1. Subprime Crisis not long ago
  2. ASX in a new record high
  3. Gold Price
  4. Oil Price
  5. US-Iran War
  6. US Recession/ Depression

And how about us in Australia? This morning I read quite interesting free newsletter on my email. The title was "Money Goes Where It's Treated Best" by the Daily Reckoning Australia.

I can not paste the full article here, but basically they reckon that the cut in US rate by the Feds, gave us more than a lift from the continual stock market crisis. By lowering the rate of return on US bonds, Bernanke has made a massive shift in global capital flows. A shift in global capital flows away from America and toward (one of them) Australia. There you go, so we've got our record high again.. Why would you invest in America, while you can invest in Australia for less risk, with higher capital gain??

So, is this mean the ASX bull run will continue for a while? Just wait and see, I suppose

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