Get Back on One Feet (or Not)

Two months have passed since my last post. This is to say that I haven't posted any single blog during in a period when 'subprime mortgage' became a most infamous phrase in our financial world.

Truth is: it was painful!! As a fairly new investor, I got caught in the middle of the crisis, unsure what to do, and (hate to say this) I panicked a bit. I guess one of my mistake (among the others) was that I held a few species. Speculative stocks were among the stocks that were hit the most during crisis. Another mistake was that I wasn't too discipline on my plan. I was sort of in a hope that "the situation will get better tommorrow"(well, it wasn't).

I was down to nearly half the value of my holding when I started to realise that the crisis was going to stay. I cut all my species for a loss and started to invest on better and stable stocks. Thanks God, I was able to gain again to offset my loss. Now, I am more or less in the same position to where I was started.

Now I am holding: BPT; DYL; IBA; IDL; MGX, OXR, PNA, REX

(Some of them are still painful, but I won't turn my paper lost on them into a real one, just yet!!)

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