Last Week of April

Over all, this week is a quite good week. I did make a few mistakes, however, when I sold few stocks prematurely. It was a good gain, nonetheless, but I could have let it stay for more profit.
I misjudge a few things this weeks, and I suppose it's a good lesson to take.

DYL, I sold a quarter of my holding at 0.23. I thought it was a good price, as I bought them at 0.099. So it was like 150% profit, but then the share price went up to 0.31!

GIR, I sold out at 0.55 (bought them at 0.365), but the next day, it went up to 0.60.

PNA, I set my buying price at 0.29, but when it down to 0.29, I was a bit unsure and thinking that I could get it cheaper tommorrow. It never looked back since then, and now is sitting at 0.34.

MOL, same story as PNA

SDL, I had a chance to buy it on offer at 0.08, but did not take it. It went up to 0.11 on the next three days.

  1. Cut the loss, but let the profit go as much as it could.
  2. Stick with your trading plan, as nobody knows what's in store in the morrow.

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