What to Do in Recession?

My share investment is getting out of control. I transfered some more money to my trading account in a hope to pick a bargain, but unfortunately it still has not reached the bottom.

I am wondering, what is the best thing to do in time of recession (especially with our investment) ?

Reading some financial advises on the net, basically there are few things you can do.

There are some suggestion of shorting stocks, which was out of question for me...I don't short stock, period! :), so that leave us to few more options, which are:

1. Don't sell your stocks. You sell when the securities are up. You buy them when they are low.

2. Invest for a long term, don't day trade.

3. Be patient

OMG, isn't it so text-bookish, but I suppose I don't have any other choice..

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