Regional Express (REX.ASX)

First time I learnt about REX, is from The Age newspaper early this year. The article mentioned some dark horses on the ASX that they predict will do alright this year.
One of them was Regional Express. It was one of the Rivkin Reports' favourite.

It took me about five months to enter REX's market, after watching it closely for about one month. My entry price was $2.29 (I hope it's not too high).

These are some of the figures from Aspect Financial:
Value :Above avg (2)
Risk : Lowest risk (1)
Growth : Above avg (2)
Income : Below avg (4)

I think it's time for me to take up some lower risk with a stready growth investments. REX seems to be one of them.

The Rex Group (REX) provides passenger airline, freight & charter air services. It is essentially the merger of the businesses of two air carriers in Australia, namely the passenger airline businesses of Hazelton and Kendell.


Rancid Apple said...

hi ive added ur site to my favourites. im just curious which website do u use the most to do you research? aspect financial? and are u up since u started?

Share said...

Hi, thanks for your note.
I have aspect financial with my subscribtion to Suncorp share trade, but I don't really use it as my solely research. Mostly, I use it as my last check on a specific share I'm interested. I read from the company's website, and also check on some stock tips website, as topstock, insider trading, or even yahoo finance. I also get some info from stock discussion forum.
Yes, I'm up (not much though), as a new investor, my first aim is to preserve my capital.