Tungsten - Molybdenum

I own small amount of shares in Thor Mining (THR.ASX), one resource company who's dealing with Tungsten - Molybdenum. I didn't have any clues of what is tungsten or molybdenum - hardly ever heard about it :)

Anyway, they are quite interesting minerals, so here's some facts:

Tungsten (W) is a metal with a wide range of uses, the largest of which is as tungsten carbide in cemented carbides. Cemented carbides (also called hardmetals) are wear-resistant materials used by the metalworking, mining, and construction industries. Tungsten metal wires, electrodes, and/or contacts are used in lighting, electronic, electrical, heating, and welding applications. Tungsten is also used to make heavy metal alloys for armaments, heat sinks, and high-density applications, such as weights and counterweights; superalloys for turbine blades; tool steels; and wear-resistant alloy parts and coatings. Tungsten composites are used as a substitute for lead in bullets and shot. Tungsten chemical compounds are used in catalysts, inorganic pigments, and high-temperature lubricants.

Molybdenum (Mo) is a refractory metallic element used principally as an alloying agent in steel, cast iron, and superalloys to enhance hardenability, strength, toughness, and wear and corrosion resistance. To achieve desired metallurgical properties, molybdenum, primarily in the form of molybdic oxide or ferromolybdenum, is frequently used in combination with or added to chromium, columbium (niobium), manganese, nickel, tungsten, or other alloy metals. The versatility of molybdenum in enhancing a variety of alloy properties has ensured it a significant role in contemporary industrial technology, which increasingly requires materials that are serviceable under high stress, expanded temperature ranges, and highly corrosive environments. Moreover, molybdenum finds significant usage as a refractory metal in numerous chemical applications, including catalysts, lubricants, and pigments. Few of molybdenum's uses have acceptable substitutions.

Source: USGS Homepage

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great info...Moly will be a powerful stock play in due time, especially with its advent in energy production (oil pipelines, mining, etc.). Protecting your investments with this energy play will make sense over time. I recommend this report about Molybdenum to you.

Molybdenum Report: A Single Way to Play Virtually Every Sphere of the Energy Market
